» Financial Report

The statement of accounts from June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017

15 Oct 2017

The chart below is the latest statement of accounts of the Fukushima Childrens’ Fund.
We greatly appreciate your generous contributions.
The fund will be used for the children in Fukushima to overcome any and all health rpoblems associated with the triple-nuclear-reactor-meltdown disaster in 2011.

The statement of accounts from June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017

Itemized revenues Details Amount of money (¥)
Balance brought forward 5,601,768
Membership fees * from 77 special members 770,000
* from 167 regular members 501,000
* from a student member 2,000
Donations * a great number of donations from abroad as well as from within Japan. Thank you very much! 24,563,456
Shipping contribution * from donors who joined the “Let’s send ‘yukata’ kimonos to Germany” project 100,000
Sales profit * the profit on badges, books, etc. 36,000
Interest 33
Total revenue 31,574,257
Itemized expenditures Details Amount of money (¥)
Funds * for citizens’ radiation measuring centers 24,000
* for Kuminosato Recuperation Center 18,004,902
* for Mothers’ Lab & Clinic Fukushima 4,000,000
* shipping costs for ‘yukata’ kimonos being shipped to Germany 113,038
Consign goods costs * for badges, books, etc. 20,394
Publicity 36,050
Transportation 70,000
Printing * for colored leaflets / newsletters 84,860
Postage * for newsletters and postcards being sent to supporters 578,590
Communication * for telephone and fax rates 82,000
Money transfer 4,444
Office running costs * for house rent / utility rates 485,180
* for personnel expenses / WEB subscription fee 664,000
Stationery 16,965
Meeting 8,600
Balance carried over 7,381,234
Total expenduture 31,574,257

I affirm the above to be true and correct in every respect.
Reiko Shimizu
June 14th, 2017

未来の福島こども基金フェイスブックページ 黒部信一のブログ
